Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Family Business Sometimes Means Family First

When my 4 year old son broke his leg in a trampoline accident on Sunday evening, my plans for the work week suddenly changed.  As a family business consultant I am constantly working with families on their need to balance the desire to run a successful and profitable business and the need to take care of family needs.  It was now my turn to see what I would do in my own situation. 

My wife is due to give birth to our 5th child in less than 3 weeks so Jhett's injury has really thrown us a curveball.  Because I have my own business I am flexible to change my schedule and work when I would like, so long as I keep my commitments and provide enough revenue for the family.  It is times like these that I am glad that I can intentionally choose my family over my work.  Do I regret not being more professionally productive?  Maybe a little.  Do I feel good about the work I am able to do for my son and my wife?  Absolutely.

Isn't this what family business is all about?  If I didn't have a family, I might not be as passionate about making my business a success.  These times bring life back into perspective for me.  

I love family and I love business!  Life is good!