Friday, September 25, 2015

The Farm Whisperer- Coming to a town near you!!!

I'm excited to announce that my new book is out.  It's called, "The Farm Whisperer."  The purpose of this book is to preserve family relationships and preserve farm legacies.

In this book I share my experiences with how some of America's top farm families have tackled tough issues like Shared Ownership, Communication Issues, Compensation Issues and much more.

The book also has a companion app called, "Inspired Questions-For Farmers" that will be a tool that families can use to begin the sometimes uncomfortable conversations that need to take place to ensure the future of these farm businesses.

The book is available on Amazon.

I'm also working on a book tour. (Live and Via Webinar)  My goal is to have this book influence farmers in all 50 states.

If you'd like to bring The Farm Whisperer to your state, shoot me an e-mail or comment below.